Explaining the myth: baked potato chips healthier than fried ones, Gaby McPherson

Baked potatoes chips are healthier than fried ones, Gaby McPherson

Dietitian Gaby McPherson, who is registered in Missouri, examined the nutritional value of a single-serving bag of baked potato chips and fried chips to see if the reduced-fat options were healthier. Her results might surprise you. According to dietician Gaby McPherson, controlling portion sizes is essential for eating chips in a healthy way. 

McPherson's findings, which were posted on the Eating Well website on Monday, appear to run counter to the popularity of baked potato chips as a fattier alternative to fried or greasy chips, despite the fact that food manufacturers have marketed them as a healthier option.

According to Allied industry Research, the baked potato chip industry will be valued $6.2 billion in 2021 and grow to $10.9 billion by 2031, according to The New York Post.

McPherson's research, however, indicates that fried potato chips might not be as bad.

Although the dietitian acknowledged that fried potato chips include higher amounts of fat and calories, she also found that there was not much of a difference between baked potato chips and fried chips.

Fried chips contain 149 calories, 10  of total fat, and 1 gram of saturated fat per serving; baked potato chips contain 131 calories, 5 g of fat, and 0.7 g of saturated fat per serving.

McPherson said. "Overall, baked chips contain less fat than conventional chips, but they are just marginally fewer in calories, so it will not significantly affect your daily calorie consumption,".

She also discovered that, on average, baked potato chips contain 25% more carbs than their fried counterparts.

"Baked chips are enhanced in flavor and texture by adding more starches and sugars, which could be the reason for the increase in carbohydrates," the Gaby McPherson said.

Potato chips that are fried also contain vitamins and minerals that are not present in baked potato chips.

According to McPherson, "it turns out that conventional chips deliver more potassium (12% vs. 7% of your Daily Value in a typical serving) and vitamin C (24% vs. 0%), two important minerals."

McPherson says that portion control is essential for consuming chips in a healthy way and that people should not rely solely on salty snacks for their dietary needs.

McPherson says that portion control is essential for consuming chips in a healthy way and that people should not rely solely on salty snacks for their dietary needs.

"Either way, both may be a part of a healthy eating regimen. Choose your favorite and savor every crunchy bite," she said, adding that baked potato chips were not always better for you than ordinary chips.

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